Something which remains
“There is always something which survives the harshness of changing seasons” Gun Roswell
Something which remains
The nature, something wild and untamed
Even if nothing remains the same, when seasons change
Somethings, will never yield
To the yoke of weather, no matter how extreme
Keeping on, hanging there for dear life
Surviving, no matter what just might be the strife
The pests of nature as some might call them
But in the end, it does not really matter
These survivors of the harsh, will become so much better
Each and every passing season
Some say, this might just be even treason
From Mother Nature trying to prove being better
But humans do not understand
What the real struggle really is all about
As they are the ones pushing forward
Destroying all that which does not seem smart
Then again, who are they to decide
Because in the end, nature will always triumph
Long after the last human has disappeared
The weeds as they were once called
Have made their stance at the waters edge
Still surviving, even thriving
In the summers warmth and winters cold