Sunset on an empty beach

Gun Roswell
Mar 22, 2023


“The sun is setting, no matter if anyone is watching it, going away for the day“ Gun Roswell

Sunset on an empty beach

The beach empty, void, of any kind of life

Not even of the crab, ant or a mosquito kind

Nobody is there, observing the days end

The colours painted across the skies

As the setting sun makes it way to lie

At the bottom of the high seas

Where it during the night time lives

Alas, they are all gone for now

All those enjoying the daily sunshine loud

Only the darkening shadows remain

And so, the sun will be setting

Without an audience to clap

But it does not really matter

As this kind of event happens every day

And maybe, some other night

The sun will its very audience slay



Gun Roswell

Located in Espoo, Finland. I am getting my daily bread from IT, but in my heart, I am a storyteller and a pix-snapper. My other blog: