The masked crusaders

Gun Roswell
Nov 2, 2020


“Wear the damned mask! It will, save lives!” Gun Roswell

The masked crusaders

The masked crusaders of these modern and fine days
And much, to the raging epidemics dismay
They have come, for the evil viruses, to slay
And, they call themselves, the antivirus agents
Their proverbial swords pointed against
All those, apposing, any kind of good health

To educate all their fellow beings out in the cold
By wearing masks of various colours and prints bold
The antiviral agents also recommend disposable gloves
Especially, when going outside to feed the doves
But basically, when the need to touch anything
That the fellow beings might been also doing

Keeping a safe distance, at least, a meter an a half
Might seem, like causing a flutter of laugh
Then again, even if it is nice in company time to spend
The antiviral recommendation is: social distancing
Hugging would be fine, but sometimes, one big smile
From a short distance, can be also as divine

Remember to wash your face and hands
When back at the old home stead you’ll land
The mask either washable or disposable to attend to
Then good health and happy lives ensue
As from now on head the recommendations
Of these, modern day, masked, crusaders



Gun Roswell
Gun Roswell

Written by Gun Roswell

Located in Espoo, Finland. I am getting my daily bread from IT, but in my heart, I am a storyteller and a pix-snapper. My other blog:

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