Stacked, piled, on top of each other
“They really are all on top of each other! How can they get into their houses then?“ Gun Roswell
Stacked, piled, on top of each other
The dwellings of the local villagers
Upon a steep hillside subside
The colourful small decorated houses
Are the homes of people and their, well mouses
(yes i know the plural is mice, but could not make it rhyme ;P)
Built on top of each other
Maybe, as some kind of cover?
To be on the safe side of the divided
The construction workers decided
There is security in numbers some put
And they all knew then what they do should
And then, they put each of the homes
On top of the other in a shape of a dome
So now, the happy inhabitants
Live together, but still separate
Happy, with their daily lives
And also, naturally, do the mice!