Small Seats for Sundays
A respite, on a sunny Sunday day, cannot lead anyone, astray” Gun Roswell
Small Seats for Sundays
Under a decorated window, a fire engine red coloured setup lies
Completely surrounded by flower pots, with various sorts, all of them bright
The comfortable and all so cozy extension of the house painted all white
Inviting all, friend, neighbour and even stranger, to sit, just, for a bit
As on this sunny day of a Sunday, after walking, you really needed, a respite
Two soft looking seats, awaited, in the bar, so modern and totally sleek
It did not take too long, for us tired and thirsty tourists, to sink into them deep
Not wanting to move a muscle, only trying to avoid all that hustle and bustle
Even a wave of the hand seemed a chore, but not wanting to be a total bore
A whistle to the server and soon enough, to sets of drinks were brought to this respite
So totally cool and calm, but mostly, for us, the perfect and best fit
The beckoning, of the bluest of the Mediterranean seas, on this sunny day
Lead the weary tourist, now looking for that perfect respite towards the bay
Where the perfectly made table and two chairs awaited to be seated on
The odours, the smells, of lunch time menus, so inviting and totally strong
It would have been utterly disrespectful and yes, completely wrong
To steer somewhere else and not to take advantage of this risen opportunity
Where taking a load off your feet, combined, with something great, to eat