Safely under the protecting shade
“Safely under the sun or rain or whatever else the weather gods may throw my way” Gun Roswell
Safely under the protecting shade
Whether the weather feels like too much sun or even storm clouds filled with rain, this is the place where I feel the most safe, hiding myself under the protective shade, which was so perfectly made, just for me here for a while to stay, no matter the time of the day.
As the sun turns to night, and the moon begins to shine bright, even that soft light, is filtered gently through the perfect hideaway, that special shade I am still under, and there is no doubt or wander, whether this is the perfect spot for me, where I will certainly be.
So, the day and night spent, and then there is the rest of it, other days and nights, mornings, noons and evenings, the weather patterns also changing, from good to worse to really bad, but I am not feeling at all sad, as this place of shade, is where I am totally safe.
There might come a time, when I do not feel so fine, under this protective cover of mine, but until then, I will my time here spend, under this protective shade, where I can rest my head and go to sleep in peace, and live my life, without counting time, but still, having a big smile.