Ocean Vistas

Gun Roswell
Mar 20, 2023


“The ocean blue vistas ensue to the ends of the earth, perhaps even time” Gun Roswell

Ocean Vistas

The gorgeous blues of various hues, last until the zone of the horizon rising from the vastness of the never-ending ocean

Nothing more cool or calm for the human eye, when those peepers do spy the gift of mother nature’s skies and waters alike

As there within the biggest of secrets do lie, deep within the appreciation of the small person never leaving the gorgeous sight without a wide smile

Saving the view of the perfect vista in the minds eye, for a long while until such time it finally slips away



Gun Roswell

Located in Espoo, Finland. I am getting my daily bread from IT, but in my heart, I am a storyteller and a pix-snapper. My other blog: gunroswell.wordpress.com.