Life is not perfect
“Life is not perfect and neither am I “ Gun Roswell
Life is not perfect
Every day a pretty smile for the camera
This target requires loads of stamina
Acting, pretending, life is just dandy
Secretly crying, and eating that last piece of candy
Money may be tight, cannot afford the evening light
Eating the neighbour’s leftovers, dug up from the bio trash bin, not such a sin
Living life to the fullest, only to find out you’re the dullest
Watching pictures from friends on the Instagram, basking in the sun of a foreign land
Realising all the best laid plans, went down the drain, with the spring rain
Making up the perfect image, the best produced scam, imagined anyone can
Acting, playing the part, none of the wiser, but you are the biggest lier
Facade so permanent, face turning into stone, sooner or later it will reach your bones
Wake up, before it is too late
Learn, to not yourself to hate
Life is not perfect and neither are you
You thought different, but you are the biggest fool
After all, you are a just a tiny ball, in the worldwide game of pinball
Thrown against the walls, like everyone else, and sooner or later, everyone falls
You can try to stall, play a different song
But none of us are strong, it’s all just pretend