Lazy spot for a Sunday
“There is nothing really much to do on Sunday’s except to find the perfect spot to lay low in for the day, the best kind of stay” Gun Roswell
Lazy spot for a Sunday
The most perfect and softest spot found
And it was certainly not on the hard ground
No, it was a softly cushioned kind of a swing
Which came along with a bell and a ding
That was of course to be able to order service
For whatever kind of desires might rise up
For food or drinks of course, perhaps even
Entertainment of sorts, such as music or shows
But even without all those things of creature comforts
The simple way of only staying, in quiet laying
Was the perfect way of spending any day
Except usually that was never quite the option
Rather only during these days called Sunday
Was it possible to indulge oneself to lay claim
Of anything personal and not requiring any strain
And so, having found this perfect of the places
There would be nothing on this Earth to remove
This carcass out of the blissful state of non-move
And so, as time passed, even if this moment lasted
Only for the day, there were no regrets whatsoever
On display