Giving Thanks, I guess of sorts
“Guess there is a lot, to give thanks for, when you really think about it” Gun Roswell
Giving Thanks, I guess of sorts
I am thankful, for at least, my very own kind of life
The living quarters, those too, are, well, quite nice
And then there is, the family, they’re, kinda alright
Minor aches and pains, can be mostly, ignored
Then there is other stuff too, like eating them s’mores
And guess the work, even if it makes me so bored
My all time favourite series, yes, those are back
Oh, toilet paper too, yeah well, we have them stacked
Brain cells small and grey, even if some of them I lack
Otherwise, none too many complaints, or as I just said
Can’t remember much more, but hey, doing chores
Then giving thanks, for anything and everything and all
So, a very happy day and I guess this thanksgiving thing too
And hey, try not to feel too sad and blue, in case you
Have none too many things, to be really grateful for