Black Friday
“There is a blackness, we experience, more often than others do, up here, in the far away North, and it is called, Black Friday, but, it is running through October to March” Gun Roswell
Black Friday
The days are long and almost completely dark, mostly, without any kind of wild spark
Of light to be seen, so why do someone, even bother, to call it, a day, just a remark!
And much to everyones dismay, as this time of the year, seems to, be lasting forever
Or at least, for several months on end, during the fall and winter, trying to be clever?
But these roughened dwellers, tend to fight back, as the only option is to totally snap
Out of ones mind and loose all them precious marbles, them rolling all over the floors
So, put a warm coat on, and get out that door, because today, might be, a black Friday
But then, we all, carry our torches, to the great outside, just to bring forth, some light
And this is, how the cold hearted Northerners, the eternal weather gods, do, back fight!