A game of… poker???

Gun Roswell
1 min readJun 28, 2023


“When a small table, with two chairs, are positioned opposite of each other, well, guess it is a sign, to start a game, of sorts, right?“ Gun Roswell

A game of… poker???

The chairs and the table is now set up

For the time of some non-harmful bluff

The cards and chips are there, awaiting

Now, if only someone would start playing

“Any takers? Ma’am? Sir?



Poker? Chess? Anything else?

What’s the matter with you people, huh?

No one interested in any kind of fun?

Just going about like this is, some sad pun?

No, just ignoring me, away trying to run?”

Alas, the chairs, remain unseated

As nobody, seems to be, even remotely interested

In any kind of games or some time for fun

Just going about their day, until it’s done

Maybe next time, there will be better luck

For the game keeper, who set up the clock

The time for some leisurely fun may be completely over

For now at least, until someone finds that four leaved clover

“Feeling lucky now?

Well, then, try at least to by a cow

Then the milk will be free

And maybe, the money spent on a game will be seen?”



Gun Roswell

Located in Espoo, Finland. I am getting my daily bread from IT, but in my heart, I am a storyteller and a pix-snapper. My other blog: gunroswell.wordpress.com.